DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Mozilla Firefox,Firefox Extended Support Release (ESR) and Mozilla Thunderbird, the mostsevere of which could allow for arbitrary code execution. MozillaFirefox is a web browser used to access the Internet. Mozilla FirefoxESR is a version of the web browser intended to be deployed in largeorganizations. Mozilla Thunderbird is an email client. Successfulexploitation of these vulnerabilities could allow for arbitrary codeexecution....
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DESCRIPTION:A vulnerability has been discovered in WebKit GTK and WPE WebKit whichcould allow for arbitrary code execution. * WebKitGTK is a full-featured port of the WebKit rendering engine,suitable for projects requiring any kind of web integration, from hybridHTML/CSS applications to full-fledged web browsers.* WPE is the reference WebKit port for embedded and low-consumptioncomputer devices. Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow for arbitrarycode execution. Depending...
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Security researchers have found over 500,000 Huawei smartphone users have downloaded applications tainted with the Joker malware that unwittingly subscribes users to premium mobile services. A report from antivirus maker Doctor Web notes that the malicious apps retained their advertised functionality but downloaded components that subscribed users to premium mobile services. To keep users in the dark the infected apps requested access to notifications, which...
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DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Microsoft ExchangeServer (on premises version) , the most severe of which could allow forarbitrary code execution. Microsoft Exchange Server is a mail serverused to run and manage an organization’s email services. Successfulexploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow anattacker to execute arbitrary code in the context of the mail server.Depending on the privileges associated with the...
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DESCRIPTION:A vulnerability has been discovered in Adobe ColdFusion, which couldallow for arbitrary code execution. Adobe ColdFusion is a webapplication development platform. Successful exploitation of thisvulnerability could result in an attacker executing arbitrary code inthe context of the affected application. Depending on the privilegesassociated with the application, an attacker could then installprograms; view, change, or delete data; or create new accounts with fulluser rights. Applications that...
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