MoC had been signed between BCC & Stop.Think.Connect. Messaging Convention Inc., USA

A Memorandum of Co-operation has been signed between Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) and STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Messaging Convention, Inc., USA on 29th December 2015. STOP. THINK. CONNECT. Messaging Convention, Inc. is the global cybersecurity awareness campaign to help all digital citizens stay safer and more secure online. Their goal is to help people understand not only the risks that come with using the Internet, but...

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An NDA Had been signed between BCC & Team Cymru Research NFP, USA

A Non-Disclosure Agreement has been signed between Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) and Team Cymru Research NFP, USA on 9th December 2015. Team Cymru Research NFP is an Illinois non-profit and a US Federal 501(c)3 organization. They are a group of technologists passionate about making the Internet more secure and dedicated to that goal. They work closely with and within Internet security communities, as well as...

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Government, NRDCS to develop National Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT)

NRD CS in joint venture with Norway Registers Development AS signed a two year, 912 thousand USD (including taxes) contract with Bangladesh Computer Council (BCC) for the development of a modern National Cyber Defense and Cyber Security Doctrine to check the fast growing cybercrime, intellectual property theft, industrial espionage or IT infrastructure abuse. “The government is working to create the conditions for the businesses and...

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