Cross-Platform Malware Adwind RAT !!!

Cross-Platform Malware Adwind RAT !!!

Threat Level Medium Security experts at TrendMicro discovered that the notorious Adwind RAT has resurfaced targeting enterprises in the Aerospace industries worldwide. Adwind is a cross-platform Remote Access Trojan written in Java, it was detected recently in attacks against aerospace enterprises in Switzerland, Austria, Ukraine, and the US. The Adwind RAT was first discovered early 2012, the experts dubbed it Frutas RAT and later it was identified with...

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Petya র‍্যানসমওয়্যার ও সতর্কতামূলক পদক্ষেপ

Petya র‍্যানসমওয়্যার ও সতর্কতামূলক পদক্ষেপ

Threat Level High Petya র‍্যানসমওয়্যার কিঃ সাইবার সিকিউরিটি গবেষকগন ২০১৬ সালে প্রথম Petya ভাইরাস এর উপস্থিতি লক্ষ্য করেন। কিন্তু বর্তমান Petya র‍্যানসমওয়্যার কেবল কম্পিউটার (মাইক্রোসফটের অপারেটিং সিস্টেম উইন্ডোজ চালিত ) এর বিভিন্ন ফাইল কে শুধু এনক্রিপ্টই করেনা, সাথে এটি মাস্টার বুট রেকর্ড (MBR) কে আক্রান্ত করে, এটি MBR কে ওভাররাইট করে এবং এমএফটি (মাস্টারফাইলট্রি) টেবিলকে এনক্রিপ্ট করে ও একটি মুক্তিপণ নোট দেখায়। মাস্টার বুট রেকর্ড বা MBR অকার্যকর করার মাধ্যমে অপারেটিং সিস্টেমে...

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Erebus Ransomware Targets Linux Servers

Erebus Ransomware Targets Linux Servers

The IT security researchers at Trend Micro recently discovered malware that has the potential to infect Linux-based servers. The malware, called Erebus, has been responsible for hijacking 153 Linux-based networks of a South Korean web-hosting company called NAYANA. Erebus has reached new heights by having the ability to bypass not only UAC but also affect entire networks that run on Linux. Given that most organizations...

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BCC has signed an Agreement to set up Cyber Security Incidents Investigation Laboratory in Bangladesh

BCC has signed an Agreement to set up Cyber Security Incidents Investigation Laboratory in Bangladesh

Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and Governance Project under Bangladesh Computer Council has signed an agreement with Northern European consortium of INVL Technology managed companies Norway Registers Development AS (NRD AS) and BAIP signed for “Supply, Installation and commissioning of software & various equipment for setting up CIRT Laboratory at Bangladesh Computer Council”. NRD Cyber Security will provide the technology required for project implementation. BGD...

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Microsoft releases additional updates to protect against potential nation-state activity

Microsoft releases additional updates to protect against potential nation-state activity

On May 12, 2017, the WannaCrypt ransomware served as an all too real example of the danger of cyber attacks to individuals and businesses globally. In reviewing the updates for this month, some vulnerabilities were identified that pose elevated risk of cyber attacks by government organizations, sometimes referred to as nation-state actors or other copycat organizations. To address this risk, today we are providing additional...

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