Malspam pushing Locky ransomware tries HoeflerText notifications [source:]
by CIRT Team
During past two weeks or so, we’ve seen plenty of botnet-based malicious spam (malspam) pushing Locky ransomware. In recent days, I’ve noticed multiple waves of malspam every weekday. It gets a bit boring after a while, but as 2017-08-31 came to a close, I noticed a different technique from this malspam.
Today’s malspam had links to fake Dropbox pages. If you viewed the pages in Chrome or Firefox, they showed a fake notification stating you don’t have the HoeflerText font. These fake notifications had an “update” button that returned a malicious JavaScript (.js) file. These .js files were disguised as a font library.
Of note, I was unable to get any malware when using Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge.
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25 Nov 2023 - Articles, English articles, News, News Clipping, Service