Security Advisories & Alerts

Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco RV Series Routers Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution

DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Cisco RV series smallbusiness routers, the most severe of which could allow for arbitrarycode execution. The Cisco RV series routers are recommended forconnecting your small business’ internal network devices to each other.Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilitiescould allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to execute arbitrarycode on the affected systems. IMPACT:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Cisco...

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Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Chrome Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution

DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Google Chrome, the mostsevere of which could allow for arbitrary code execution. Google Chromeis a web browser used to access the Internet. Successful exploitation ofthe most severe of these vulnerabilities could allow an attacker toexecute arbitrary code in the context of the browser. Depending on theprivileges associated with the application, an attacker could view,change, or delete data. If this...

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Zero-day Microsoft exchange vulnerabilities attack IOC

Short Description: Microsoft has detected multiple 0-day exploits being used to attack on-premises versions of Microsoft Exchange Server in limited and targeted attacks. In the attacks observed, the threat actor used these vulnerabilities to access on-premises Exchange servers which enabled access to email accounts, and allowed installation of additional malware to facilitate long-term access to victim environments. The vulnerabilities recently being exploited were CVE-2021-26855, CVE-2021-26857,...

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Hangover Threat Group IOC

Short Description: Hangover threat group (aka Neon, Viceroy Tiger, MONSOON) carrying out targeted cyberattacks deploying BackConfig malware attacks against government and military organizations in South Asia including Bangladesh. Hangover Group is a cyberespionage group that was first observed in December 2013 carrying on a cyberattack against a telecom corporation in Norway. The Hangover Group’s initial vector of compromise is to carry out spear-phishing campaigns. The...

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Multiple Vulnerabilities in Google Android OS Could Allow for Remote Code Execution

DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in the Google Androidoperating system (OS), the most severe of which could allow for remotecode execution. Android is an operating system developed by Google formobile devices, including, but not limited to, smartphones, tablets, andwatches. Successful exploitation of the most severe of thesevulnerabilities could allow for remote code execution within the contextof a privileged process. Depending on the privileges associated withthis...

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Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco SD-WAN vManage Software Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution

DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Cisco SD-WAN vManageSoftware, the most severe of which could allow for arbitrary codeexecution. Cisco SD-WAN provides a centralized management interface ofan organization’s WAN including their cloud and data center environment.Successful exploitation of the most severe of these vulnerabilitiescould allow an unauthenticated, remote attacker to execute code on theaffected systems. Depending on the privileges associated with theapplication, an attacker could...

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Indicator of compromise (IoC) of Transparent Trib

Transparent Tribe (also known as PROJECTM and MYTHIC LEOPARD) is a very prolific group that is well-known in the cybersecurity industry for its massive espionage campaigns. The APT group Transparent Tribe is mounting an ongoing cyberespionage campaign, researchers said, which is aimed at military and diplomatic targets around the world. Transparent Tribe mainly relies on both spear phishing and watering hole attacks to gain its...

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Threat actor group “ALTDOS” targeting Bangladesh

Threat actor group “ALTDOS” operate by accessing and exfiltrating companies databases and have focus mainly on South-East Asia including Bangladesh.“ALTDOS” is known to extort companies for ransom for the data exfiltrated. Not much is known about this group, other than the breach reports. Target sectors: Financial-services,retail,communications,construction,energy,pharmaceuticals,telecommunications External Reference relared to “ALTDOS” threat actor:

Multiple Vulnerabilities in VMware vRealize Operations Manager Could Allow for Remote Code Execution

DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in VMware vRealizeOperations Manager, which could result in remote code execution. VMwarevRealize Operations Manager is an IT management platform which enablesvisibility, optimization and management of an organization’s physical,virtual and cloud infrastructure. This software comes within an APIwhich enables developers to build vRealize Operations Manager clients tocommunicate with the server over HTTP. Successful exploitation of thesevulnerabilities could allow an attacker to...

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Multiple Vulnerabilities in Cisco Jabber Could Allow for Arbitrary Code Execution

DESCRIPTION:Multiple vulnerabilities have been discovered in Cisco Jabber the mostsevere of which could allow for arbitrary code execution. Cisco Jabberprovides instant messaging (IM), voice, video, voice messaging, desktopsharing, and conferencing on any device. Successful exploitation of themost severe of these vulnerabilities could allow an unauthenticated,remote attacker to execute code on the affected systems. Depending onthe privileges associated with the application, an attacker could theninstall programs;...

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