
Press release April 2023: Situational Security Alerts from CIRT

In the advent of EID holidays, Bangladesh Government’s Computer Incident Response Team (BGD e–Gov CIRT) would like to assure the security of the critical information infrastructures (CII), banks andfinancial institutions, health care and all sorts of government and private organizations by sharing alist of top threats to be vigilant for any suspicious activities in their infrastructure to prevent any sortof intrusion or disruption to their...

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US Embassy Officials visited BGD e-GOV CIRT

James Gardiner, Economic Officer of the US Embassy in Bangladesh along with Shobhani Rasanayakam, an environment, science, technology, and health official of the US Embassy in Dhaka, as well as Asif Ahmed and Shila Ahmed, Economic Commercial Specialists visited BGD e-GOV CIRT premises on 13 April 2023. CIRT team had the opportunity to briefly describe their operations and achievements. Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak MP, Honorable...

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Embassador of the Republic of China to Bangladesh visited BGD e-GOV CIRT

H.E. Mr. Yao Wen, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the People’s Republic of China to the People’s Republic of Bangladesh visited BGD e-GOV CIRT premises on 14 March 2023. CIRT team had the opportunity to briefly describe their operations and achievements. Mr. Zunaid Ahmed Palak MP, Honorable State Minister of ICT Division, accompanied the team along with many other high officials.    

Honorable Secretary of ICT Division takes a glimpse over BGD e-GOV CIRT

Honorable Secretary of ICT Division takes a glimpse over BGD e-GOV CIRT

It was a pleasure to meet Mr. Md. Shamsul Arefin, the recently appointed Secretary to the ICT Division. Mr. Abu Sayed Md. Kamruzzaman NDC, Director General, Digital Security Agency; Mr. Ranajit Kumar, Executive Director (Grade-1), Bangladesh Computer Council, and other high authorities were in his company during the visit. The CIRT team had the opportunity to briefly go over their projects and successes.

OIC CERT -এর বাৎসরিক সাইবার ড্রিলে BGD e-GOV CIRT এর ২য় স্থান অধিকার

OIC CERT -এর বাৎসরিক সাইবার ড্রিলে BGD e-GOV CIRT এর ২য় স্থান অধিকার

                    তারিখ ০৭.১১.২০২২ ইং. OIC CERT -এর বাৎসরিক সাইবার ড্রিলে BGD e-GOV CIRT এর ২য় স্থান অধিকার । ২০০৮ সালে OIC (অরগানাইজেশন অফ ইসলামিক কো-অপারেশন) এর- ৩৫তম অধিবেশনে Organisation of the Islamic Cooperation -Computer Emergency Response Team (OIC-CERT) প্রতিষ্ঠিত হয়। অদ্য ০৭ নভেম্বর, ২০২২ সোমবার স্বাগতিক দেশ ওমান কর্তৃক আয়োজিত 10th Arab Regional and OIC-CERT Cyber Drill 2022’ অনুষ্ঠিত হল। এবারের ড্রিলের...

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The new open-source tool scans public AWS S3 buckets for secrets

A new open-source ‘S3crets Scanner’ scanner allows researchers and red-teamers to search for ‘secrets’ mistakenly stored in publicly exposed or company’s Amazon AWS S3 storage buckets. Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) is a cloud storage service commonly used by companies to store software, services, and data in containers known as buckets. Unfortunately, companies sometimes fail to properly secure their S3 buckets and thus publicly expose stored...

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Workshop on safe use of social media for women held on the occasion of Cyber ​​Security Month

Workshop on safe use of social media for women held on the occasion of Cyber ​​Security Month

25th October, 2022  Press Release  A workshop on safe use of social media for women was held on 24 October 2022 at the auditorium of Bangladesh Computer Council organized by BGD e-Gov CIRT. Mr. Rubaiyat Bin Modasser, Forensic Analyst of BGD e-Gov CIRT, presented the keynote at the workshop, which was organized with the aim of increasing the awareness of cyber security in the use...

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