BGD e-GOV CIRT has received Government Mandate

by CIRT Team
On 28th June 2016 as a part of the procedures to support and secure the use of information technology, Bangladesh e-Government Computer Incident Response Team (BGD e-Gov CIRT) has received mandate published by Information and Communication Technology Division, Ministry of Posts, Telecommunication and IT, Government of People’s Republic of Bangladesh. It is to be mentioned that the CIRT team is working under the project “Leveraging ICT for Growth, Employment and Governance Project (LICT)”. On 11th January 2015, office order for establishing CIRT was issued by BCC.
According to the mandate main objectives of the BGD e-Gov CIRT are to:
1. Manage cyber security incidents in Bangladesh government network and related infrastructure;
2. Serve as a catalyst in organizing national cyber security resilience initiatives (education, workforce competence, regulation, cyber exercises) among various stakeholders;
3. Make efforts to establish national cyber security incident management capabilities in Bangladesh.
The Terms of References (TOR) or the responsibilities of BGD e-Gov CIRT are:
1. Monitor the network for the events that affect security of the government network;
2. Carry out investigations and containment measures for cyber security events in order to minimize data loss or service disruption in the government network and e-services;
3. Help to solve security related issues in National Data Center(NDC) including provision of obligatory instructions for BCC personnel to secure NDC information resources;
4. Carry out preventive measures in order to minimize disruptions of secure operations of the government network and e-services;
5. Participate in international and national cyber security initiatives;
6. Promote and strengthen cyber security environment by developing, collaborating and maintaining relationships with other CIRTs and organizations in the country and abroad;
7. Support capacity building of the existing manpower of the BCC to establish national CIRT.
This mandate will enable BGD e-GOV CIRT to secure and robust the Bangladesh Government Network beside the National Data Center Network. It will also validate the actions taken by the CIRT team in response to any cyber incidence in government and NDC networks.
Government Mandate of BGD e-GOV CIRT