Awareness is the ability to directly know and perceive, to feel, or to be cognizant of events. More broadly, it is the state of being conscious of something. The primary goal of awareness is to reach the message to the end user about the current cyber threat and its mitigation. It is very hard-hitting to reach every people about every incidents of cyber security or cyber threat and aware them continuously.

BGD e-GOV CIRT is also working for awareness of its constituencies. It publishes posters, leaflets, newsletters, web sites that explain security best practices and provide advice on precautions to take.

It publishes awareness article in English as well as local language for better understanding of its stakeholder. It frequently published the reports regarding the assessment of stakeholder application including the vulnerability and weakness. Additionally the quarterly, semi-annual, annual reports are published.

BGD e-GOV CIRT arrange workshops, seminar, and conferences for its constituencies. For preparing the stakeholders it arranges different level training session for different stakeholder. The training helps the stakeholder up-to-date with ongoing security knowledge and potential threats to the information security.