The future of smartphone security: Hardware isolation [source: helpnetsecurity]
by CIRT Team
Mobile spyware has become increasingly more ubiquitous in corporate networks and devices. In a 2017 study, Check Point has found that out of the 850 organizations that they queried, 100% had experienced a mobile malware attack at least once in the past.
To date, most cybersecurity companies have focused either on software-only or built-in hardware solutions as a way of fighting back against these threats. While some of these solutions have proven to be effective, I want to propose that the next generation of mobile security will be primarily based on hardware rather than software solutions.
In the following article, I will go over the kinds of advantages that hybrid hardware isolation can have for combatting smartphone attacks and vulnerabilities. If you create a low-power, highly flexible, hardware-isolated computational and storage container that isolates data inside the host architecture, you can secure data and processes independently of the host’s operating system or networking protocol and make them virtually impervious to attack; an innovation that will change cybersecurity as we know it today.
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25 Nov 2023 - Articles, English articles, News, News Clipping, Service